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Adult acne … What causes it after 40?

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While it is believed that this problem only appears in adolescence, it is a disorder that adults also suffer.

When we thought that one stage of life (adolescence) had left behind one of the most typical disorders of it, namely acne, its reappearance in adulthood can make us go back in time.

Are you over 40 and still have acne? How can it happen? Not only can it happen, but it happens in the concrete both to men and women, who see astonished how their faces, necks or backs (the most affected areas) are affected with this problem.

But what is acne punctually? It is a medical problem that affects the hair glands and hair follicles, a skin disorder that occurs when these follicles are covered with fat and dead skin cells.

Possible Causes of acne

– How is the inflammatory process to end in its appearance?

– – Family history also influences?

–  In the woman, you have to think about some other cause in particular?

-In general, the ovarian part must be reviewed, since it is the most frequent cause of acne in adulthood.

– If the origin of the problem is hormonal, can it be accompanied by other manifestations?

What if the problem appears in summer?

In general, and after making an analysis of the case, antibiotics specialized in the skin can be given, and some specific, always guided by the professional and according to the case. Then during the winter, a definitive treatment can be generated, controlled by the professional.

What foods do you suggest?

 What would favour the treatment of acne, to begin with, would be above all a good hydration: at least you have to drink two litters of water daily. In the second instance, you have to try to eat lots of vegetables, and especially those with green leaves, and cereals (for vitamin E), as well as carrots and citrus fruits (for vitamin C). All this helps against free radicals, as antioxidants. It is also advisable to consume foods with vitamin A, which is found in chicken, pork, or vegetables such as carrots. When we thought that one stage of life (adolescence) had left behind one of the most typical disorders of it, namely acne, its reappearance in adulthood can make us go back in time.

Are you over 40 and still have acne? How can it happen? Not only can it happen, but it happens in the concrete both to men and women, who see astonished how their faces, necks or backs (the most affected areas) are affected with this problem.

But what is acne punctually? It is a medical problem that affects the hair glands and hair follicles, a skin disorder that occurs when these follicles are covered with fat and dead skin cells.

It is a skin condition that causes the formation of pimples or “pimples.” Closed comedowns, black pimples, and red, inflamed skin patches (like cysts) may appear.

So it is good to take the treatment on time. Vaping is the new fashion that little by little has been replacing part of the classic cigarettes, and despite not being completely healthy, it is much more than smoking tobacco. So if acne occurs because of smoking then user vaping and keeps away from acne. This site tells you more about this.